Torta negra Galesa


Torta negra Galesa

Welsh Black Cake

Torta negra Galesa is made with a variety of ingredients including dried fruits, nuts, spices, and black treacle. The cake is typically baked slowly to ensure that it is cooked all the way through and has a moist texture. The cake is often served with a dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce. It is a popular cake in Wales and is often served during the Christmas season.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Torta negra Galesa is a traditional Welsh cake that has been enjoyed for many years. It is believed to have originated in the 19th century and was often served during the Christmas season. The cake was often made with ingredients that were readily available in Wales such as dried fruits and nuts. Today, the cake is still a popular treat in Wales and is often served at special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Not suitable for those with nut allergies or gluten intolerance. Contains nuts and black treacle.


There are many variations of Torta negra Galesa that include different types of dried fruits and nuts. Some recipes also call for the addition of chocolate or cocoa powder to give the cake a richer flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Torta negra Galesa is typically presented on a cake stand and garnished with a dusting of powdered sugar or a sprig of fresh mint.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the cake is moist and flavorful, it is important to soak the dried fruits in tea or alcohol before adding them to the cake batter. This will help to infuse the cake with flavor and keep it moist during baking.


Torta negra Galesa is often served as a dessert with a cup of tea or coffee. It can also be served with a glass of sherry or port.

Drink pairings

Torta negra Galesa goes well with tea, coffee, sherry, or port.