Turrón de Doña Pepa


Turrón de Doña Pepa

Turron de Dona Pepa

Turrón de Doña Pepa is a unique dessert that is made with a combination of flour, butter, anise, and sugar. The dough is rolled out and cut into strips, which are then layered and baked until golden brown. The syrup is made by boiling honey, sugar, and water until it thickens. The baked dough is then coated in the syrup and topped with colorful sprinkles. The result is a sweet and crunchy treat that is perfect for celebrating special occasions.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Turrón de Doña Pepa is a traditional Peruvian dessert that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have originated in the city of Lima and has since become a popular treat throughout the country.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for those with gluten sensitivities as it contains flour. It may also not be suitable for those with nut allergies as some recipes call for the addition of chopped nuts.


There are many variations of Turrón de Doña Pepa, some of which include the addition of chopped nuts or dried fruit. Some recipes also call for the use of different types of syrup such as molasses or corn syrup.

Presentation and garnishing

Turrón de Doña Pepa is typically presented on a platter and garnished with colorful sprinkles.

Tips & Tricks

When making Turrón de Doña Pepa, be sure to roll out the dough thinly and evenly to ensure that it bakes evenly and becomes crispy.


Turrón de Doña Pepa is often served on its own as a sweet treat. It can also be served with a cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Turrón de Doña Pepa pairs well with a variety of sweet wines such as Moscato or Riesling.