



Vargabéles is made by mixing sweetened cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract. The mixture is then layered between sheets of phyllo dough and baked until golden brown. The resulting dessert has a sweet, creamy filling and a crispy, flaky crust. Vargabéles is often served with a dusting of powdered sugar on top.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Vargabéles originated in Hungary and has been a popular dessert there for many years. It is often served during special occasions and festivals, such as Christmas and Easter.

Dietary considerations

Vargabéles contains lactose and gluten and is not suitable for those with lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance.


There are many variations of vargabéles, including using different types of cheese or adding raisins or other dried fruit to the filling. Some recipes also call for the addition of cinnamon or nutmeg for added flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the perfect vargabéles, be sure to use high-quality cottage cheese and phyllo dough. The filling should be mixed until smooth and creamy, and the phyllo dough should be brushed with melted butter between each layer. Finally, be sure to bake the vargabéles until golden brown and crispy. It can be garnished with fresh fruit or whipped cream for added visual appeal.

Tips & Tricks

When making vargabéles, it's important to let it cool completely before slicing to ensure that the filling sets properly. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.


Vargabéles is typically served on its own as a dessert, but it can also be served as a sweet treat after a meal. It pairs well with coffee or a sweet dessert wine.

Drink pairings

Vargabéles pairs well with coffee or a sweet dessert wine.