Vodnjanski pampagnac


Vodnjanski pampagnac

Vodnjan Pampagnac

Vodnjanski pampagnac is made by first preparing the puff pastry, which is made with flour, butter, and water. The pastry is then rolled out and filled with a mixture of almonds, sugar, and lemon zest. The pastry is then baked until it is golden brown. Vodnjanski pampagnac is a delicious dessert that is sweet, flaky, and has a nutty flavor.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Vodnjanski pampagnac is a traditional Croatian dessert that has been around for many years. It is believed to have originated from the town of Vodnjan in Istria and has since become a popular dessert in the country.

Dietary considerations

Vodnjanski pampagnac is not suitable for those with nut allergies or gluten allergies.


There are many variations of Vodnjanski pampagnac, including Pampagnac with figs, which is made with figs instead of almonds.

Presentation and garnishing

Vodnjanski pampagnac is typically presented on a platter and garnished with powdered sugar or fresh fruit.

Tips & Tricks

When making Vodnjanski pampagnac, it is important to use high-quality almonds to ensure a rich and nutty flavor.


Vodnjanski pampagnac can be served with fresh fruit or whipped cream on the side.

Drink pairings

Vodnjanski pampagnac pairs well with sweet wine or coffee.