Cheese, smoked gouda


Cheese, smoked gouda

Smokey Dutch Delight

Smoked Gouda cheese, also known as Smokey Dutch Delight, is a flavorful and aromatic cheese that adds a smoky twist to various dishes. Its distinct taste and creamy texture make it a versatile ingredient in both savory and sweet recipes.

Jan Dec
With its pale yellow interior and a rind that ranges from light brown to dark brown, Smoked Gouda cheese offers a creamy and smooth texture. It has a distinct smoky aroma and a rich, savory flavor with hints of sweetness. The smokiness is well-balanced, allowing the natural flavors of the cheese to shine through.

Origins and history

Smoked Gouda cheese originated in the Netherlands, particularly in the town of Gouda, known for its traditional cheese-making techniques. The cheese is made by smoking young Gouda cheese over smoldering wood chips, giving it a unique smoky flavor. Today, Smoked Gouda is enjoyed worldwide and is a popular choice for cheese boards, sandwiches, and melted applications.

Nutritional information

Smoked Gouda cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also provides vitamins like vitamin B12 and vitamin A. However, it is relatively high in fat and sodium, so it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Smoked Gouda cheese may contain lactose, making it unsuitable for individuals with lactose intolerance. It is also a dairy product, so individuals with dairy allergies should avoid consuming it. Always check the product label for allergen information before consumption.

How to select

When selecting Smoked Gouda cheese, look for a well-sealed package to ensure freshness. The cheese should have a firm texture and a slightly elastic feel when pressed. Avoid cheese with any signs of mold, discoloration, or an off-putting odor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and flavor of Smoked Gouda cheese, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption. For optimal taste, consume it within 1-2 weeks of purchase.

How to produce

Smoked Gouda cheese is typically produced by professional cheese makers using traditional smoking techniques. However, if you have access to a smoker or grill, you can attempt to smoke Gouda cheese at home by placing it on a rack and exposing it to smoldering wood chips for a few hours. It is important to follow proper food safety guidelines and ensure the cheese reaches the appropriate internal temperature to prevent any foodborne illnesses.

Preparation tips

Smoked Gouda cheese can be enjoyed on its own or incorporated into various dishes. It melts beautifully, making it an excellent choice for grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, or creamy pasta sauces. It also pairs well with fruits like apples or pears, as well as cured meats and crusty bread.


Gouda cheese can be used as a substitute for Smoked Gouda cheese if the smoky flavor is not desired. However, keep in mind that the overall taste will differ. Other alternatives include smoked cheddar or smoked provolone, which can provide a similar smoky element to dishes.

Culinary uses

Smoked Gouda cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of culinary applications. It is commonly used in sandwiches, burgers, salads, and cheese boards. It can also be melted and used in dips, quiches, or as a topping for soups and casseroles.


Smoked Gouda cheese is commonly available in supermarkets, specialty cheese shops, and gourmet food stores. It is particularly popular in the Netherlands, Europe, and North America, where it is widely enjoyed.