Cûtès peûres di Lidge


Cûtès peûres di Lidge

Cûtès peûres di Lidge is a delicious and comforting dessert that is perfect for autumn or winter. The pears are tender and juicy, while the filling is rich and creamy. The shortcrust pastry adds a nice crunch and texture. Cûtès peûres di Lidge is typically served warm with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Cûtès peûres di Lidge is a traditional dessert that originated in the city of Liège in the 19th century. It is named after the pear variety that is used in the recipe. It is now a popular dessert throughout Belgium, and is often served during the holiday season.

Dietary considerations

Cûtès peûres di Lidge contains wheat flour and milk, and is not suitable for those with gluten or dairy allergies. It is also high in sugar and calories, so should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


There are many variations of Cûtès peûres di Lidge, including those made with different types of fruit or fillings. Some recipes also call for the addition of spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the perfect Cûtès peûres di Lidge, be sure to use ripe and juicy pears, and a high-quality shortcrust pastry. The filling should be cooked until set but still slightly jiggly, and the tart should be served warm for maximum comfort. It can be garnished with a dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of caramel sauce.

Tips & Tricks

When making the shortcrust pastry, be sure to keep the ingredients cold and handle the dough as little as possible to prevent it from becoming tough. To prevent the pears from browning, toss them with a little lemon juice before adding them to the tart.


Cûtès peûres di Lidge is typically served on its own as a sweet treat, but can also be paired with other desserts such as apple pie or crème brûlée. It can be enjoyed with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, or a sweet dessert wine.

Drink pairings

Cûtès peûres di Lidge goes well with coffee, tea, or a sweet dessert wine.