


Sweet Fritters

Donzelle is made from a simple dough that is fried until golden brown. The dough is then coated in sugar and often filled with jam or cream. The pastry is typically served as a dessert or snack during the Christmas season. Donzelle is a delicious treat that is perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Donzelle originated in Italy and has been a traditional Christmas pastry for many years. It is often served alongside other Italian Christmas treats such as panettone and pandoro.

Dietary considerations

Suitable for vegetarians. Contains gluten and dairy.


There are many variations of Donzelle, with different fillings and coatings. Some popular fillings include Nutella, chocolate spreads, fruit jams, and custards. Some people also like to add spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg to the dough for added flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the perfect Donzelle, be sure to fry the dough until it is golden brown and crispy. Once fried, coat the pastry in sugar and fill it with your desired filling. Donzelle can be presented on a platter with a dusting of powdered sugar and a sprig of mint for garnish.

Tips & Tricks

Be sure to fill the pastry with enough filling to give it a delicious flavor. If you're using a fruit jam filling, be sure to strain out any large pieces of fruit to prevent the pastry from becoming soggy. Donzelle is best enjoyed fresh and warm, so try to serve it as soon as possible after frying.


Donzelle is typically served on its own as a dessert or snack, but it can also be enjoyed with coffee or hot chocolate.

Drink pairings

Donzelle pairs well with coffee or hot chocolate.