Gnocchi al sugo d'oca


Gnocchi al sugo d'oca

Gnocchi al sugo d'oca is made by cooking potato gnocchi in boiling salted water until they float to the surface. The cooked gnocchi are then tossed in a sauce made from duck meat, tomatoes, and red wine. The dish is typically garnished with fresh parsley or thyme. Gnocchi al sugo d'oca is a popular dish in northern Italy, particularly in the regions of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Gnocchi al sugo d'oca has been a traditional dish in northern Italy for centuries. It was originally made with duck meat because it was a readily available ingredient in the area. The dish has since become a staple of Italian cuisine and is enjoyed throughout the country.

Dietary considerations



There are many variations of Gnocchi al sugo d'oca, some of which include adding different types of meat to the sauce, such as pork or beef. Some recipes also call for the addition of cream to the sauce to help balance out the richness of the duck meat.

Presentation and garnishing

Gnocchi al sugo d'oca is typically served on a plate, with the sauce poured over the top. The dish is garnished with fresh parsley or thyme.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish less rich, use chicken or turkey meat instead of duck meat.


Gnocchi al sugo d'oca is typically served as a main course, but can also be served as a side dish with roasted vegetables or a salad.

Drink pairings

A full-bodied red wine, such as a Barolo or Amarone, pairs well with Gnocchi al sugo d'oca.