


Kolo is a round bread that is made by mixing wheat flour, yeast, and water to create a dough. The dough is then kneaded and left to rise before being baked in a wood-fired oven. Kolo is a staple of Serbian cuisine and is often served with cheese or cured meats.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kolo has been a part of Serbian cuisine for centuries and is often associated with traditional celebrations and festivals. It is a symbol of hospitality and is often served to guests.

Dietary considerations

Kolo is a vegetarian dish, but some recipes may contain dairy or eggs. It is important to check the ingredients before consuming the bread.


There are many variations of kolo, with different types of flour and seasonings being used depending on the region. Some recipes may include herbs or cheese.

Presentation and garnishing

Kolo is typically served whole, with the crusty exterior and soft interior creating a contrast in texture.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect kolo, it is important to use high-quality flour and to knead the dough thoroughly to create a light and fluffy bread.


Kolo is often served with a side of cheese or cured meats.

Drink pairings

Kolo pairs well with a glass of red wine or a cup of coffee.