


Mixed Salad

Nộm is a refreshing and healthy dish that is perfect for hot summer days. The dish typically includes a variety of fresh vegetables and herbs, such as cucumber, carrot, cabbage, mint, and coriander. These ingredients are then tossed together with a sweet and sour dressing made from fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, and chili. Nộm can be served as a side dish or as a main course, and is often topped with grilled meat or seafood.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Nộm is a traditional Vietnamese dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the northern region of Vietnam, where it was a popular dish among farmers and laborers. Today, Nộm is enjoyed throughout Vietnam and around the world.

Dietary considerations

Nộm is a great option for those following a vegetarian or gluten-free diet. However, the dish may contain fish sauce, which is not suitable for vegans or those with a fish allergy.


There are many variations of Nộm, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some variations may include additional ingredients such as sliced pork, shrimp, or peanuts.

Presentation and garnishing

Nộm is typically served in a large bowl or platter, with the vegetables and herbs arranged in an attractive and colorful manner. The dish is often garnished with additional herbs or crushed peanuts.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect Nộm, be sure to use the freshest ingredients possible. The dressing should be made just before serving to ensure that the vegetables remain crisp and fresh.


Nộm can be served as a side dish or as a main course, and is often accompanied by steamed rice or rice noodles.

Drink pairings

Nộm pairs well with light and refreshing drinks such as iced tea or a cold beer.