Peanut Drops


Peanut Drops

Peanut Drops are small, bite-sized snacks that are made with peanuts, sugar, and water. The peanuts are roasted and then mixed with a hot sugar syrup. The mixture is then dropped onto a greased surface to cool and harden. This snack is often enjoyed as a sweet treat in Jamaica. It is a popular street food and can be found in many Jamaican markets and shops. Peanut Drops are a vegan snack and are gluten-free.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Peanut Drops have been a popular snack in Jamaica for centuries. They are believed to have originated during the colonial period, when peanuts were introduced to the island.

Dietary considerations

Vegan, Gluten-free


There are many variations of Peanut Drops, including those flavored with ginger or coconut. Some versions also have a filling of chocolate or jam.

Presentation and garnishing

Peanut Drops are often served in a small paper bag. They can be garnished with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg. The drops should be crunchy and sweet, with a strong peanut flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To prevent the sugar syrup from burning, stir the mixture constantly while cooking.

Drink pairings

Coconut water or Jamaican ginger beer