Šaran u rašljama


Šaran u rašljama

Grilled carp on skewers

Šaran u rašljama is typically made with whole carp, which is first marinated in a mixture of garlic, paprika, and cumin. The carp is then stuffed with a variety of vegetables, such as onions, carrots, and bell peppers, and roasted in the oven until it is tender and flavorful. The dish is often served with a side of potatoes or bread.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Šaran u rašljama is a traditional dish from Serbia, where it is often served during the Christmas season. The dish is believed to have originated in the 19th century, when carp farming became popular in the region. Today, Šaran u rašljama is enjoyed throughout Serbia and in other parts of the Balkans.

Dietary considerations

Šaran u rašljama is a gluten-free and dairy-free dish, making it suitable for those with dietary restrictions. However, the dish does contain fish, so it is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.


There are many variations of Šaran u rašljama, with different vegetables and spices used in the stuffing. Some recipes call for the addition of mushrooms or cabbage, while others use different types of fish such as trout or salmon.

Presentation and garnishing

Šaran u rašljama is typically served on a large platter, with the carp and vegetables arranged in an attractive manner. The dish is often garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or dill, and sliced lemon or lime for added acidity.

Tips & Tricks

When stuffing the carp, be sure to pack the vegetables tightly to prevent them from falling out during cooking. The carp should be cooked until it is tender and falls off the bone. To check if the carp is done, insert a fork into the thickest part of the fish. If it pulls away easily, it is ready to be served.


Potatoes or bread is the traditional side dish for Šaran u rašljama, as it helps to soak up the flavorful juices. A side of pickled vegetables or a simple salad can also be served alongside the dish for added freshness.

Drink pairings

Šaran u rašljama pairs well with full-bodied red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. A cold glass of yogurt-based drink such as ayran or lassi can also help to balance out the richness of the dish.