Cheese, jarlsberg


Cheese, jarlsberg

The Norwegian Delight

Jarlsberg cheese is a pale yellow, semi-hard cheese with a smooth, creamy texture and a mild, nutty flavor. It has large, round holes scattered throughout the cheese, giving it a distinctive appearance. Jarlsberg cheese is often compared to Swiss cheese, but it has a milder and sweeter taste. It melts beautifully, making it a popular choice for sandwiches, burgers, and cheese sauces.

Jan Dec
Mild, nutty, creamy.

Origins and history

Jarlsberg cheese originated in Norway and was first produced in the 1850s. It was created by a Norwegian dairy farmer named Anders Larsen Bakke, who developed a unique cheese recipe using Swiss cheese-making techniques. The cheese was named after the town of Jarlsberg, where it was first made. Today, Jarlsberg cheese is produced in various countries around the world, but the original Norwegian version remains highly regarded.

Nutritional information

Jarlsberg cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. It also contains vitamins A and B12, as well as phosphorus. However, it is relatively high in fat and sodium, so it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Contains milk.

How to select

When selecting Jarlsberg cheese, look for a cheese that is firm but slightly springy to the touch. The cheese should have a smooth, unblemished rind and a pale yellow color. Avoid cheeses with any signs of mold or excessive moisture. Opt for freshly cut pieces or whole wheels for the best quality and flavor.

Storage recommendations

To store Jarlsberg cheese, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or wax paper to prevent it from drying out. Keep it in the refrigerator, ideally in the cheese drawer or in a separate container to avoid absorbing odors from other foods. Properly stored, Jarlsberg cheese can last for several weeks.

How to produce

Jarlsberg cheese is produced by a specific cheese-making process that involves culturing the milk, adding rennet to form curds, and then aging the cheese for a specific period of time. This process requires specialized equipment and knowledge, so it is best left to professional cheese producers. However, cheese enthusiasts can try making similar cheeses using Swiss cheese-making techniques at home.

Preparation tips

Jarlsberg cheese can be enjoyed on its own as a snack or paired with fruits, crackers, or bread. It melts beautifully, making it a great choice for grilled cheese sandwiches, burgers, and quesadillas. It can also be grated and used in cheese sauces, quiches, and gratins. Additionally, Jarlsberg cheese can be sliced and added to salads or served alongside cured meats and olives.


Swiss cheese, Gruyère cheese

Culinary uses

Jarlsberg cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes. It is commonly used in sandwiches, such as the classic Norwegian open-faced sandwich known as Smørbrød. It is also a popular choice for cheese boards and fondue. In Norway, Jarlsberg cheese is often served with fruit preserves and crackers as a dessert or snack.


Norway, United States, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Germany