Vietnamese-Inspired Ramen


Vietnamese-Inspired Ramen

Pho-Style Ramen: A Fusion of Japanese and Vietnamese Flavors

In Vietnamese cuisine, the aromatic and flavorful pho soup is a beloved dish. This recipe takes inspiration from pho and combines it with the comforting elements of Japanese ramen. The result is a delicious fusion of two iconic Asian dishes, creating a unique and satisfying bowl of Vietnamese-inspired ramen.

Jan Dec

15 minutes

25 minutes

40 minutes

4 servings


Pescatarian, Dairy-free, Gluten-free (if using gluten-free soy sauce and noodles), Low-fat, Low-calorie

Soy (in soy sauce), Fish (in fish sauce)

Vegan (due to the use of fish sauce), Nut-free (depending on the toppings)


While traditional Japanese ramen typically features a rich and savory broth, Vietnamese cuisine emphasizes fresh herbs, aromatic spices, and lighter flavors. This adaptation incorporates the fragrant and herbal elements of pho, such as star anise, cinnamon, and fresh herbs, into the ramen broth. Additionally, the toppings and garnishes are influenced by Vietnamese cuisine, including bean sprouts, lime wedges, and Thai basil. We alse have the original recipe for Ramen, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 350 kcal / 1465 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 6g, 1g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 50g, 4g
  • Protein: 25g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Salt: 2g


  1. 1.
    In a large pot, combine the chicken or vegetable broth, water, garlic, ginger, star anise, and cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 20 minutes to infuse the flavors.
  2. 2.
    Remove the star anise and cinnamon stick from the broth.
  3. 3.
    Stir in the soy sauce, fish sauce, and sugar. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste.
  4. 4.
    Cook the ramen noodles according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  5. 5.
    In a separate pan, cook the sliced chicken or tofu until cooked through.
  6. 6.
    Divide the cooked noodles and chicken or tofu among serving bowls.
  7. 7.
    Ladle the hot broth over the noodles and top with bean sprouts, lime wedges, Thai basil leaves, cilantro leaves, and sliced chili peppers.
  8. 8.
    Serve immediately and enjoy!

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Ramen noodles — Cook the noodles according to the package instructions, but slightly undercook them as they will continue to cook in the hot broth.
  • Thai basil — Tear the leaves just before serving to release their aromatic oils.
  • Bean sprouts — For a crunchier texture, blanch the bean sprouts in boiling water for a few seconds before adding them to the ramen.

Tips & Tricks

  • For a vegetarian version, substitute the chicken broth with vegetable broth and omit the chicken or tofu.
  • Customize your toppings by adding sliced mushrooms, thinly sliced onions, or cooked shrimp.
  • If you prefer a spicier ramen, add a few drops of Sriracha or chili oil to the broth.
  • To enhance the flavor, toast the star anise and cinnamon stick in a dry pan before adding them to the broth.
  • For a heartier meal, serve the ramen with a side of Vietnamese spring rolls or a fresh green salad.

Serving advice

Serve the Vietnamese-inspired ramen piping hot in individual bowls. Encourage your guests to squeeze fresh lime juice into their bowls and garnish with Thai basil, cilantro, and sliced chili peppers according to their taste preferences. Provide chopsticks and spoons for a traditional Asian dining experience.

Presentation advice

To make the ramen visually appealing, arrange the toppings neatly on top of the noodles. The vibrant colors of the bean sprouts, lime wedges, Thai basil, cilantro, and sliced chili peppers will create an appetizing presentation. Serve the ramen in beautiful ceramic bowls to enhance the dining experience.