Pakistani-style Spicy Pineapple Chutney


Pakistani-style Spicy Pineapple Chutney

Tropical Heat: Pakistani Spicy Pineapple Chutney

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of Pakistani cuisine with this tantalizing Spicy Pineapple Chutney. Bursting with the sweetness of pineapple and the fiery kick of spices, this chutney is a perfect accompaniment to any Pakistani meal.

Jan Dec

10 minutes

5 minutes

15 minutes

4 servings


Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Nut-free


Paleo, Keto, Low-carb, High-protein, Atkins


In this Pakistani adaptation, the Mexican Salsa de piña picante is transformed into a chutney by incorporating Pakistani spices and flavors. The original salsa is typically more liquid in consistency, while the Pakistani version has a thicker texture. Additionally, the Pakistani version uses a blend of spices commonly found in Pakistani cuisine, such as cumin, coriander, and red chili powder, to infuse the chutney with a distinct Pakistani flavor profile. We alse have the original recipe for Salsa de piña picante, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 80 kcal / 335 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 3g, 0.2g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 13g, 9g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Salt: 0.6g


  1. 1.
    Heat vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat.
  2. 2.
    Add cumin seeds and let them sizzle for a few seconds.
  3. 3.
    Add pineapple chunks and cook for 2-3 minutes until slightly softened.
  4. 4.
    Stir in coriander powder, red chili powder, turmeric powder, and salt. Cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. 5.
    Remove from heat and let the chutney cool down.
  6. 6.
    Once cooled, add lemon juice and chopped cilantro. Mix well.
  7. 7.
    Transfer the chutney to a serving bowl.
  8. 8.
    Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Pineapple — Make sure to use ripe and sweet pineapple for the best flavor. If fresh pineapple is not available, canned pineapple chunks can be used as a substitute.

Tips & Tricks

  • Adjust the spiciness according to your preference by increasing or decreasing the amount of red chili powder.
  • For a tangier flavor, add a teaspoon of tamarind paste to the chutney.
  • This chutney can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Serving advice

Serve this Spicy Pineapple Chutney as a condiment alongside Pakistani dishes such as biryani, kebabs, or parathas. It also pairs well with grilled meats or as a topping for sandwiches and wraps.

Presentation advice

Garnish the chutney with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro leaves before serving to add a fresh and vibrant touch. Serve it in a small bowl or ramekin to showcase its vibrant yellow color.