Chruok svay


Chruok svay

Pork and Crab Salad

Chruok svay is a flavorful and spicy sausage made with ground pork mixed with lemongrass, garlic, chili peppers, and other spices. The mixture is stuffed into casings and grilled or fried until cooked through. It is typically served with rice or noodles and a side of pickled vegetables. Chruok svay is a gluten-free dish that is perfect for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chruok svay is a traditional Cambodian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It originated in the central region of Cambodia and has since become popular throughout Cambodia and around the world.

Dietary considerations



Chruok svay can be made with a variety of spices, such as ginger or galangal, depending on personal preference. It can also be made with different types of meat, such as chicken or beef.

Presentation and garnishing

To make Chruok svay, mix together ground pork, lemongrass, garlic, chili peppers, and other spices. Stuff the mixture into casings and grill or fry until cooked through. Serve on a plate, sliced into bite-sized pieces, garnished with fresh herbs such as cilantro and mint. The pickled vegetables are served on the side.

Tips & Tricks

Chruok svay is a spicy dish, so adjust the amount of chili peppers used according to personal preference. When grilling or frying the sausage, be careful not to overcook it as it can become dry.


Chruok svay is typically served with rice or noodles and a side of pickled vegetables. It pairs well with a light beer or a glass of white wine.

Drink pairings

Chruok svay pairs well with a light beer or a glass of white wine.