Humitas dulces


Humitas dulces

Humitas dulces is made with ground corn, sugar, and milk. The ingredients are mixed together and then wrapped in corn husks. Humitas dulces is typically served in small portions, as it is very sweet and filling. It can be enjoyed on its own or paired with fresh fruit or a sweet pastry.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Humitas dulces originated in South America and has been a popular dessert in the region for centuries. It is typically made with local ingredients, such as corn and sugar, and is often served at special occasions and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Humitas dulces is a high-calorie dessert that should be enjoyed in moderation. It is not suitable for individuals with corn allergies.


There are many variations of humitas dulces, depending on the region and the ingredients available. Some popular variations include humitas saladas, which is made with savory ingredients, and humitas de choclo, which is made with fresh corn.

Presentation and garnishing

Humitas dulces is typically served wrapped in a corn husk, and can be garnished with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of honey. It is important to serve it warm, as it can become too hard or too soft if it is not stored properly.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect humitas dulces, use only the freshest ingredients and be sure to wrap the mixture tightly in the corn husks. It is also important to serve it warm, as it can become too hard or too soft if it is not stored properly.


Humitas dulces can be served with a variety of side dishes, such as fresh fruit, whipped cream, or a sweet pastry. It is also delicious on its own.

Drink pairings

Humitas dulces pairs well with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, and sweet wines.