


Kansar is made by roasting wheat flour in ghee until it turns golden brown. Jaggery, a type of unrefined sugar, is then added to the mixture along with water and cardamom powder. The dessert is cooked until it thickens and forms a smooth paste. It is typically served warm, and can be garnished with nuts or raisins.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kansar has its roots in Gujarat, a state in western India. It is a traditional dessert that is often served during weddings and other special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Kansar is not suitable for people who have celiac disease or are allergic to wheat. It is also high in sugar and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of Kansar, including those that use different types of sweeteners or spices. Some recipes also call for the addition of milk or cream.

Presentation and garnishing

Kansar is typically served in a bowl, with a sprinkle of nuts or raisins on top. It is often garnished with a silver leaf or a sprig of mint.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect Kansar, be sure to use high-quality wheat flour and jaggery. You can also experiment with different spices and garnishes to create your own unique version of this classic dessert.


Kansar can be served with a variety of side dishes, including fresh fruit, yogurt, or lassi.

Drink pairings

Kansar pairs well with a variety of drinks, including chai tea or lassi.