Phở hải sản


Phở hải sản

Seafood pho

Phở hải sản is a flavorful and hearty soup that is perfect for seafood lovers. The broth is made by simmering seafood shells, onions, ginger, and spices for several hours. The rice noodles are cooked separately and then added to the broth along with a variety of seafood, including shrimp, squid, and fish. The soup is typically served with a side of lime wedges, sliced chili peppers, and hoisin sauce. It is a healthy and satisfying meal that is perfect for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Phở hải sản originated in coastal regions of Vietnam and is a popular dish in Vietnamese cuisine. It is enjoyed by people all over the world.

Dietary considerations

Phở hải sản is a great option for those who are looking for a low-fat, low-calorie meal. It is also gluten-free and can be made vegetarian by using vegetable broth instead of seafood broth.


There are many variations of phở hải sản, including phở hải sản nấu chín (cooked seafood phở) and phở hải sản nấu đùi (seafood leg phở).

Presentation and garnishing

Phở hải sản is typically served in a large bowl with the noodles and seafood on the bottom and the broth on top. It is garnished with fresh herbs and lime wedges. The soup can be customized with additional herbs and spices to suit individual tastes.

Tips & Tricks

To make the broth for phở hải sản, it is important to simmer the seafood shells and spices for several hours to extract the maximum flavor. It is also important to use fresh herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of the soup.


Phở hải sản can be served with a variety of side dishes, including pickled vegetables, fried spring rolls, and grilled meats. It is also commonly served with a side of chili sauce or hoisin sauce.

Drink pairings

Phở hải sản pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, iced tea, and lemonade.