Classic Apple Pie


Classic Apple Pie

Delicioso Pastel de Manzana (Delicious Apple Pie)

En la cocina española, el pastel de manzana es un postre clásico que combina la dulzura de las manzanas con una masa crujiente y sabrosa. Esta receta te enseñará cómo hacer un pastel de manzana tradicional con un toque español. ¡Prepárate para disfrutar de un postre delicioso y reconfortante!

Jan Dec

30 minutes

45-50 minutes

1 hour 20 minutes

8 servings


Vegetarian, Dairy-free (if using dairy-free butter), Nut-free, Soy-free, Kosher

Wheat (gluten), Dairy (if using butter)

Vegan, Gluten-free, Paleo, Low-carb, Keto


En la cocina española, el pastel de manzana se hace con una masa más ligera y crujiente, similar a una masa de hojaldre. Además, se suele añadir un toque de canela y ralladura de limón para realzar el sabor de las manzanas. También se puede servir con una bola de helado de vainilla o una pizca de azúcar glas espolvoreada encima. We alse have the original recipe for Apple Pie, so you can check it out.


  • Calories: 320 kcal / 1340 KJ
  • Fat: 12g (7g saturated)
  • Carbohydrates: 52g (30g sugars)
  • Protein: 3g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Salt: 0.2g


  1. 1.
    In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Add the cold cubed butter and use a pastry cutter or your fingers to cut the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  2. 2.
    Gradually add the ice water, one tablespoon at a time, and mix until the dough comes together. Shape the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  3. 3.
    Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F).
  4. 4.
    In a separate bowl, combine the sliced apples, granulated sugar, brown sugar, lemon juice, ground cinnamon, lemon zest, and cornstarch. Mix well to coat the apples evenly.
  5. 5.
    On a lightly floured surface, roll out the chilled dough into a circle large enough to fit your pie dish. Transfer the dough to the dish and gently press it into the bottom and sides.
  6. 6.
    Pour the apple mixture into the pie crust, spreading it out evenly.
  7. 7.
    Roll out the remaining dough and cut it into thin strips. Create a lattice pattern on top of the apple filling.
  8. 8.
    Brush the lattice crust with the beaten egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  9. 9.
    Bake the pie in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling.
  10. 10.
    Allow the pie to cool for at least 1 hour before serving.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Apples — Choose a firm and tart variety such as Granny Smith or Braeburn for the best flavor and texture.
  • Lemon — Use organic lemons for the zest to avoid any wax or pesticides.

Tips & Tricks

  • For a more Spanish twist, sprinkle the top of the pie with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking.
  • Serve the apple pie warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dusting of powdered sugar.
  • If the edges of the pie crust start to brown too quickly, cover them with aluminum foil to prevent burning.
  • Make sure to let the pie cool completely before slicing to allow the filling to set.

Serving advice

Serve the Delicioso Pastel de Manzana warm or at room temperature. It pairs perfectly with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Presentation advice

To make the pie look even more appealing, dust the top with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or drizzle with a caramel sauce before serving.